Welcome to the Club.
The Shamrock Study Club was established in 2006 as a locus of thought leadership and innovation based on the groundbreaking work of the renowned Seattle Study Club. Originally envisioned as a dynamic resource exclusively for dentists, we have expanded access to the Club over time to reflect the increasing importance and involvement of the entire practice team. Today, in addition to our roster of leading area dentists, we are proud to list among our members, hygienists and assistants with a Study Club of their own.
Affordable and close to home, the Shamrock Study Club offers its members a host of unique benefits – among them a timely and well-considered schedule of events, exclusive access to the resources of the Seattle Study Club, and significantly lower costs for CEUs. We exist to serve by providing education – and inspiration. In this way, we foster practice building, optimize patient care, and usher in the dental practices of the future.
Once again, welcome.