[us_iconbox icon=”far|thumbs-up” style=”outlined” title=”Member Benefits” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fshamrockstudyclub.com%2Fmember-benefits%2F|||” type=”icon_top” with_circle=”yes” size=”36px”]With membership, benefits that accrue to dentists and their teams are many and varied. In addition to being part of the Seattle Study Club, members of the Shamrock Study Club enjoy programs close to home and earn CEUs at costs considerably lower than comparable programs.
[us_iconbox icon=”fas|calendar-alt” style=”outlined” title=”Events – What’s coming up next?” link=”url:%2Fevents%2F|||” type=”icon_top” with_circle=”yes” size=”36px”]Driving the success of the Shamrock Study Club is the active involvement of its membership. From treatment-planning sessions to problem-solving workshops, member-curated and – run programs are critical in establishing the proper environment for progress, development and meaningful interaction.
What members are saying:
[us_testimonial author=”Dr. Matthew Clark” company=””]I love being a part of the study club. I always learn something new at each meeting. All of the dentists are friendly and the meetings are filled with all of us sharing new technology, issues we have in our practice, treatment planning cases, or just catching up with new events in our personal lives. I would recommend the club to any dentist who wants to stay connected to the dental community.
[us_testimonial author=”Ira Dickerman” company=”Laboratory Technician”]I have been part of the Shamrock Study Club since its inception. Being a member has allowed me to achieve a greater level of clinical dental understanding. Learning shoulder to shoulder with my dentist clients is a very rewarding experience. Being a member of the Shamrock Study Club means that myself and those who participate have a greater commitment to delivering excellence to our mutual patients. Continuing education and the ability to share clinical and business issues with other dental professionals affords me the opportunity to deliver a higher level of dental prosthetic services to my clients.
[us_cta title=”Meet the Shamrock Study Club’s Director, William F. Lane, D.M.D.” title_tag=”h3″ btn_link=”url:%2Fmeet-the-director%2F|||” btn_label=”CLICK HERE” btn_style=”3″ btn_size=”18px” title_size=”h3″][/us_cta]